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Geneva, IL 60134


4 Signs That Divorce Mediation May Work For You

 Posted on December 13,2021 in Divorce

Kane County Divorce LawyerMore and more couples are turning to divorce mediation to settle the issues surrounding their divorce without litigation. When it is successful, mediation can take a lot of the stress and uncertainty out of a divorce. Instead of leaving things up to the court, you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse reach an agreement with the help of a mediator. Unfortunately, divorce mediation may not work for all spouses. There are situations where litigation will be necessary.

If you are considering resolving your divorce through mediation, you should speak with an experienced divorce attorney. A lawyer may be able to help you decide whether mediation is worth trying. 

What Are Some Good Signs That Divorce Mediation Could Work For Me?

Divorce mediation works for spouses who are both willing to put forth the effort. Reaching an agreement about divorce issues like child custody and division of property can be difficult. Both parties will need to be willing to compromise. Your lawyer may suggest settling your divorce through mediation in these circumstances: 

  • Amicable divorce - If you and your spouse are still generally able to get along and speak on civil or even friendly terms, but need a bit of assistance working out a few issues or want an objective presence, mediation may be the answer. 

  • No abuse - Mediation is typically not recommended in cases where one spouse was abusive in any way. When marriages end due to physical, emotional, or financial abuse, the abuser is unlikely to approach mediation well. However, if you are divorcing due to simple incompatibility, it is likely that a mediator could help you successfully reach an agreement. 

  • Custody - If you do not have children with your spouse, you will not have to address custody issues, which are frequently the most contentious issue in a divorce, and may be more likely to succeed in mediation. Or, if you and your spouse are both committed to putting the children first and are willing to work together on a parenting plan, mediation could provide you a less stressful route to a finalized divorce. 

  • Honesty - Mediation will only work if both spouses are upfront about their assets and liabilities. If you generally trust that your spouse has been forthcoming about their finances, and there are no concerns about concealed assets, you could be able to agree to a fair division of property in mediation. 

Divorce mediation can be a wonderful tool for ending marriages in a peaceful way, without the need for litigation. If you believe that you and your spouse could settle your divorce through mediation, you should speak with a qualified attorney. 

Contact a Kane County Divorce Mediation Lawyer

Serrano Hanson is skilled in helping spouses resolve their divorces without litigation through mediation. Our experienced Geneva divorce mediation attorneys will evaluate your case and help you decide whether mediation is right for you. Call us at 630-844-8781 to schedule a confidential consultation. 




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